I went on a ride Sunday to Apalachicola, Fl. to get some Raw oysters and while i was there decided to go to ST George Island. I haven’t been their is last few years. The first thing i saw was the restored lighthouse that was moved to center of island. I stopped and took some pictures and i gave me this idea for a new Thread. Lighthouses i have visited. so here we are.
Ah, there’s more to you than meets the eye, isn’t there. I didn’t know you spent time there. Cape Negro is an interesting place.There is one story that I heard Dad menoitn once or twice. It was about some men who were informed of a buried treasure. I’m not sure where this took place. However, they were given a message that when they got there they would be shown where the treasure was. They heard some sort of loud chains rattling, got spooked and ran off never to learn about where the treasure was. Wish I remembered that story. Do you know it?