It was great to see some old friends for the navy at lunch the other day!!!!!
Chris Eybergensays
Glad you got the picture. Now I have your web site
Chris Eybergensays
Hope we can get more VP-23 Seahawks on to the BLOB and to get in touch with each other
would like to schedule another lunch and see if we could get some other people there
John Creasysays
When is the next reunion for vp23
Nick Mulichsays
Hello Tom, if you don’t remember me I was a First Class in the AW division. I have been in close contact with Chief “Robby” Roberson, Cookeville, TN, Jim Moran, Ocala, FL, Earl MacHenry, Boonville, AR and Lucius St. Croix, Houston, TX in the winter.
God to see you survived those Helos at Lakehurst, NJ.
I live in Jacksonville, FL. Give me a call the next time you come down I-95.
Glad you got the picture. Now I have your web site
Hope we can get more VP-23 Seahawks on to the BLOB and to get in touch with each other
would like to schedule another lunch and see if we could get some other people there
When is the next reunion for vp23
Hello Tom, if you don’t remember me I was a First Class in the AW division. I have been in close contact with Chief “Robby” Roberson, Cookeville, TN, Jim Moran, Ocala, FL, Earl MacHenry, Boonville, AR and Lucius St. Croix, Houston, TX in the winter.
God to see you survived those Helos at Lakehurst, NJ.
I live in Jacksonville, FL. Give me a call the next time you come down I-95.
Brings back VP-23 memories