I found this article in a newspaper clipping dated May 09, 1897, the newspaper was the Sun from New York city. The newspaper was operated 1833 to 1916. After Buried Gold A Maine man with a dividing rod thinks he can locate it on old Mallett’s Farm. Springfield Me. As soon as the […]
ADJ1 Donald D. Turner 1937 – 2017
I met Don Turner went i was assigned to VP-23, CAC 2. He was the second Mech under Tom Poplin, who was the Plane Captain. Don was a great guy and easy to get along with and we made my first deployment in Oct, 1966 to Sigonella, Sicily. I remember one patrol we had been […]
Great Ride to Port St. Joe
Monday was a beautiful day and a great day to ride my trike. Weather was great mid 70’s and the sun was shining so about 10am I headed to Blountstown, Fl. for lunch. Went to Parramore’s Too for a seafood lunch. Parramore’s Too is a great restaurant and I recommend the seafood platter, as it […]
Russell Alexander
Thank you for your years of serice Russ and RIP. PHIPPSBURG- Russell Alexander, 82, of Sebasco Road, died September 13, 2016 at Midcoast Hospital in Brunswick. Russell was born on January 16, 1934 to minister and fisherman Henry and Estella (McKenney) Alexander of Phippsburg. Russell began working at the age of 13 as a deck […]
New Years Eve 2016 and Cedar Key
I have always Loved Cedar Key, Florida so anything i get a chance to go I do. If you haven’t been to Cedar Key, Fl. you need to take a day trip. It is a very Quaint place and you can park your car and walk to just about anywhere. The seafood is great, Especially […]
Where it all Began
When I drive down to Popham Beach it is hard to imagine what it must have looked like when the English settlers arrived in 1607. No Spinney’s restaurant, no houses, and no road to drive there. You read books about how hard it was back in the history of this country. Think about 100 to […]
Brunswick Invades Falmouth
As you are driving from Portland north or Brunswick south think about this little story: It was March of 1775, and our newly declared country was at war with England. There was an English ship in the harbor of Falmouth called the Canceaux, a man of war sent there to intimate the colonists as they […]
Meadowbrook Camping Area, the old Winnegance Farm
The Old Winnegance Farm By Jeff Darling My Historical paper is on the Old Winnegance Farm on the Meadowbrook Rd, in Phippsburg, Me. I don’t know for sure when the house was built because the records would be either in the county of York or Lincoln depending on the Date. It was built in the […]
In Memory of Danny Joe Lalk
In Memory of Danny Joe Lalk June 3, 1947 – April 5, 2015 Obituary Dan Lalk, 67, of Marietta, passed away Sunday April 5th, 2015. A memorial service will be held Thursday April 9th at Mars Hill Presbyterian Church in Acworth, Ga. at 11 am. Born in Pensacola, FL, Dan served our country honorably for […]
Riding in the Rain
Because I don’t own a car I always get the question “what happens when it rains?” Well i am always prepared for the worst. I always carry my rain gear and my heated gear anytime i leave home. As the Boy Scouts say “Be Prepared! ” and I am. My first story is about riding […]