I was born in 1947, and when I was 18 months old I put on my first pair of roller skates. You see, my mother was a professional Roller Skater instructor. She studied under Betty Lytle who in the 1940’s and 50’s was one of the greatest roller skaters in the world. Back in the […]
I read a story about a resident of Georgetown, and it impressed upon me the hardships of the early days and what people endured to get to the new world. The story was written by a friend of hers as taken from lips of Mrs. Sarah Porterfield. The full story can be found in […]
I have been to Cape May Lighthouse a couple of times but have never added it to my list of Lighthouses I have visited. Today is the day. The first people to settle in this area where from New England whalers in the 1600’s. The first known lighthouse was built in 1823, but the lighthouse […]
Acre Lot Sebasco, Phippsburg, Maine Last winter I, received a phone call from my son Chris. I said that he volunteered me to see if I could find some graves that were believed to be buried there. He told me that at one time, someone put a barb wire fence around the graves […]
This is for all you riders out there that are train buffs. I came across this train station a few years ago. I rode into the town of Mc Adam, N. B. which is a village located in the southwestern area of New Brunswick. In 1871, City Camp, a lumber camp served by the Canadian […]
My Great Grand Daughter loves to go fishing. Last week it was Ice Fishing, and guess what she caught one!
It was November 2020, a year that will Gil down in history because of the pandemic, Shutdowns throughout the country and Mr Trump lost his bid for Re-election, But for my Great Grand Daughter Chloe, it was a special time. SHE SHOT HER FIRST DEER!. I remember her being so excited when i called to […]
As you may or may not know the history of Meadowbrook Camping area, in Phippsburg, Maine, I have traced the house back to 1794. The house is very old and this was a farm in the last century. Well on May 5th, 2020 i was metal detecting out back of property by the pond, I […]
Millinocket Donald A. “Benny” Benson, 78, of Millinocket, Maine, passed away peacefully on Dec. 13, 2018, at a Bangor hospital, surrounded by his loving family. He was born on Oct. 17, 1940, the son of Donald H. Benson and Anna (Smith) Benson. He graduated from Northbridge High School in Whitinsville, MA, in 1959. Following graduation, […]
A road trip of a lifetime and tribute to Benny Wn1OTV I GOT MY NOVICE Ham license when I was fourteen years old, but even before getting my license I had heard about the Dayton ham event. They said things like “you can find anything you want there,” or “the biggest event in amateur […]